MUMBAI: Former Indian actress Mamta Kulkarni, who acted in many superhit films during 90s, has reportedly converted to Islam. According to the buzz, the controversial actress has embraced the Islamic religion after tying the knot with her boyfriend Vicky Goswami on May 10. Presently, she is believed to have settled in Nairobi, Kenya, with her husband. Kulkarni got married to 52-year-old Goswami, after a long-time relationship, when he was in prison in Dubai. She was also managing her husband’s hotel business, in his absence. Her husband, Goswami is also not averse to controversies. He was arrested in 1997 for 25 years in drug smuggling case by the UAE police. His sentence was reduced after he converted to Islam. He was released on November 15 last year. Kulkarni first landed in a controversy in 1993 when she posed topless on the cover page of Stardust magazine, following which she was charged under India’s many obscenity laws, and found herself under attack from both conservative religious groups, and women’s groups. Mamta has acted in films like ‘Aashiq Awara’, ‘Waqt Hamara Hai’, ‘Krantiveer’, ‘Karan Arjun’, ‘Sabse Bada Khiladi’ , ‘Baazi’, ‘China Gate’ , ‘Ghatak: Lethal’ among many other hit movies. After working in Bollywood for almost 11 years, Mamta took retirement from showbiz.