Mumbai: Indian Supreme Court has ordered to re-open dance bars in all areas of Maharashtra including Mumbai. Earlier, Bombay High Court also argued that ban on bars is against constitutional right of earning Money. Dance Bar Unions, Hotel and restaurant Associations and other unions with same industry celebrated after this decision.
Earlier in 2005, Government Banned das bars and promised to give training to dancers and other staff so they can earn through other ways but it couldn’t happen. Indian Media is also supporting this court’s verdict and most of newspapers are portraying this decision as good for society.
India Media report said that there were 75,000 dance girls in state during year 2005 who secretly became sex worker. At the time of ban there were 2500 bars in state, Indian media reported.
On other hand State clarified that there were only 307 licensed dance bars contained 4300 women workers on different posts. The Indian Muslims showed angriness on this decision. The most of Muslims believe that this verdict will help to increase vulgarity in India.