Monday, 30 September 2013
Malik Riaz Extends Help to Re-Construct Earthquake Damaged Houses

The business tycoon has called for government’s role in ensuring him the security. He had extended help to the victims of the Peshawar Church Attack and those the earthquake victims. He said that he would pay Rs 2 lacs to each Christian family.
Twin blasts that took place in the capital city of Peshawar five days back resulted in the death of more than eighty people while scores of people of injured. Christian community was targeted by the attackers where they reside in minority in the city.
Malik Riaz ranks among the richest people of Pakistan. He owns the Bahria Town Project which is Asia’s largest private real estate developer. The social activist began as a clerk and now is a rich, successful business man. His change of financial status has given rise to various controversies one being the Memo gate scandal.
Source: (awami politics)
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Friday, 27 September 2013
The Most Shocking Illuminati TV Commercial
Illuminati is preparing minds of the people for the arrival of the Anti Christ in Islamic terms known as Dajjal. The organization has created a separate system according to which the are controlling people and making them habitual of it. Now they are using media as source to convey the of their Anti Christ and control people mind.
Here’s a very shocking Illuminati TV commercial in which the organization tried to show that the arrival of their Anti Christ is near and he will have many followers by then. Being a Muslim we can seek guidance from Quran and Haadis, and can learn more about it.
Watch the most shocking Illuminati TV commercial:
WWE Blood Fake Fraud
World Wrestling Entertainment is one of the most popular entertainment programs in which participants pretend that they are doing real fighting and many of us thinks that they fight in real. But the reality is bit different, all those fights are planted and FAKE. We are sharing a very interesting video with you in which the reporter explains how these fights are preplanned. Watch the video and don’t forget to share it!
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Watch Video Anchor of Bolta Pakistan Nusrat Javed's Real Face
Watch Video Anchor of Bolta Pakistan Nusrat Javed's Real Face
The Highly abusive Marvi Sirmed on Twitter .
Marvi Sirmed is a Pakistani journalist. She lives in Islamabad. She is also a political commentator, freelance columnist. Marvi Sirmed started her career as a journalist in 1990.
She has also worked as the National Project Manager of a parliamentary development project for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Strengthening Democracy through Parliamentary Development (SDPD) in Pakistan.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
First Video of Newly Discovered Island in Gwadar,Baluchistan
This is an awesome video about a newly discovered Island in Gwadar. We need to thank to Allah and for giving us such gifts but now its time to to get rid of these corrupt and bloody politicians otherwise they will capture all this Baluchistan and rest area of Pakistan”. Watch This Video and Share it With Others

Pakistan’s New ‘Zalzala’ Island - Exclusive Pictures
On Tuesday a powerful earthquake hit southwestern ares of Pakistan, According to reports the earth quake had 7.7-magnitude which results in killing of hundreds of people in Balochistan. Another strange thing is it creates a new island off the Gawadar. Seismologists believe that the newly formed Island is a ‘mud volcano.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Nusrat Javed Got Angry On Moulana Tariq Jamil Issue .
Nusrat Javed Got Angry On Moulana Tariq Jamil Issue !
Pakistan Smart Phone App Success
Pakistani Students made a new application for smart which is rocking the entire world and International Media Such as CNN, BBC and others are giving much coverage. This is one of the biggest success of Pakistani students we are watching as they are working hard to show their talent. Pakistani Media did not show this application but International Media is giving coverage. Watch This Video and SHare
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Facebook Torture By Girl Friends Ha Ha Ha
This video is all about the torture of Girls on facebook for the boys. We must say that boys are just victim for this. This is a very funny video about the true love story of a boy and a girl over internet. Now a days it is very common and most of the boys are suffering alot. Watch This Video and Share it With OThers
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Dont Try to Attract Others
There is a proverb that you reap what you sow. This video demonstrates the same proverb but with much humor. LOL you won’t stop laughing after watching this.
A pretty lady is walking across the road and every man is staring at her. And something bad happens to every one of them. But when a handsome man came her way she starts staring at her.
Watch the video to see what happens to her and share it with your friends too.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Pakistani Scientists Introduced New Method for Saving Petrol
This is one of the biggest news in Pakistan today that Pakistani Scientists Introduced New Method for Saving Petrol. Now you can use this medicine in your petrol drum. I think after few we may listen that this man will be vanished and will be blamed with new allegation. Watch This Video and Share it With Others
Pakistani Colleges A Place of Vulgarity
This is the real face of Pakistani Society and Pakistani youth. They are just wasting their time in these stupid things. Where are the Pakistani parents, what are they doing. They are just sleeping and they dont care anything about their children. We are far away from the teachings of Islam and Quran. Watch This Video

Sunday, 8 September 2013
Hindu Pandits Are Making Fool To Entire India For Years
This how Indian Pandits are making fool to Indians from the Past 1000s of years. This is bull shit and exposing the real face of Hindu Pandits. Indians are just making fun of their homeland. We Need to understand that Indians are cheaters. Watch This Video and Share

Shahid Afridi Releases His Phone Number for Fans
Karachi: Known for his hard hitting and towering sixes out of the ground, Pakistani all-rounder Shahid Khan Afridi aimed to reply positively to his thousands of fans.
The all-rounder gave a treat to all of his fans as he decides to make his number public in his official twitter message. Shahid Afridi claims that there are over 30,000 followers in his twitter account and is continuously growing.

Thursday, 5 September 2013
KSA: 700,000 visas to ease maid crisis

Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria | EUTimes

A grim “urgent action memorandum” issued today from the office of President Putin to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is ordering a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria.
According to Kremlin sources familiar with this extraordinary “war order,” Putin became “enraged” after his early August meeting with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan who warned that if Russia did not accept the defeat of Syria, Saudi Arabia would unleash Chechen terrorists under their control to cause mass death and chaos during the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia.
Lebanese newspaper As-Safir confirmed this amazing threat against Russia saying that Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord by stating: “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off.“These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.”
London’s The Telegraph News Service further reported today that Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria, an offer Putin replied to by saying “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters” [Putin said referring to footage showing a Jihadist rebel eating the heart and liver of a Syrian soldier , and which Prince Bandar in turn warned that there can be “no escape from the military option” if Russia declines the olive branch.
Critical to note, and as we had previously reported on in our 28 January 2013 report “Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia,” the Federal Security Services (FSB) confirmed the validity of the released hacked emails of the British based defence company, Britam Defence that stunningly warned the Obama regime was preparing to unleash a series of attacks against both Syria and Iran in a move Russian intelligence experts warned could very well cause World War III.
According to this FSB report, Britam Defence, one of the largest private mercenary forces in the world, was the target of a “massive hack” of its computer files by an “unknown state sponsored entity” this past January who then released a number of critical emails between its top two executives, founder Philip Doughty and his Business Development Director David Goulding.
The two most concerning emails between Doughty and Goulding, this report says, states that the Obama regime has approved a “false flag” attack in Syria using chemical weapons, and that Britam has been approved to participate in the West’s warn on Iran, and as we can read:
Email 1: Phil, We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW (chemical weapon) to Homs (Syria), a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion? Kind regards David
Email 2: Phil, Please see attached details of preparatory measures concerning the Iranian issue. Participation of Britam in the operation is confirmed by the Saudis.
With the events now spiraling out of control in Syria, and London’s Independent News Service now reporting that Prince Bandar is “pushing for war,” Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich further warned the West today by stating, “Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa.”
Heedless of Russian warnings which have fallen on deaf ears, however, British Prime Minister David Cameron this morning recalled the British Parliament to vote on attacking Syria as the Obama regime abruptly cancelledtheir meeting with Russia scheduled for tomorrow on finding a path to peace for Syria, and the West begins its plans to attack the Syrian nation “within days.”
As Syria itself has warned that should it be attacked by the West there will be “global chaos,” the Western peoples themselves have not been told of the fact that on 17 May 2013, Putin ordered Russian military forces to “immediately move” from Local War to Regional War operational status and to be “fully prepared” to expand to Large-Scale War should either the US or EU enter into the Syrian Civil War, a situation they are still in at this very hour.
With Putin’s previous order, and as we had reported on in our 17 May report “Russia Issues “All-Out War” Alert Over Syria,” and now combined with his new ordering of massive retaliatory strikes against Saudi Arabia, any attack on Syria is viewed by Russia as being an attack on itself.
And as we had previously explained in great detail, the fight over Syria, being led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and their lap-dog Western allies, has but one single objective: To break Russia’s hold on the European Union natural gas market which a pipeline through Syria would accomplish, and as reported by London’s Financial Times News Service this past June.
And in what is, perhaps, the most unimaginable cause to start World War III over Syria was noted by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich who said this past week:
“We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he stressed. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack.
Thus, it was a pre-planned action.”
For the West to have so sloppily engineered yet another “false flag” attack to justify a war where they posted the videos of this so-called chemical weapons attack a full day before it was said to occur is the height of arrogance and disdain, but which their sleep-walking citizens, yet again, will fall for as they have done so many times in the past.
Aug 27, 2013
source : Iranian.com
PNS Aslat inducted in Pakistan Navy
PNS Aslat inducted in Pakistan Navy : PNS Aslat is the first F-22P frigate of the PN which has been built at the KSEW in collaboration with the CSTC.

Overseas Pakistanis send home $1.4 billion in July

Remittances coming from different countries mostly showed growth. Inflows during July 2013 from Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, UK, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman) and EU countries amounted to $410.73 million, $252.41 million, $233.06 million, $221.93 million, $161.44 million and $38.59 million respectively.
In comparison, inflows from these countries were $349.66 million, $240.54 million, $215.30 million, $148.49 million, $140.36 million and $30.83 million respectively in July 2012.
Remittances from Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Japan and other countries totalled $86.23 million against $79.53 million in the same month a year earlier.
In an effort to facilitate a steady flow of remittances through legal channels, the SBP, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Ministry of Finance had launched a joint initiative called Pakistan Remittance Initiative (PRI) in April 2009. The objective was to facilitate and support faster, cheaper, convenient and efficient flow of remittances.
source: The Express Tribune
Myanmar Army intrudes into Indian territory
Myanmar Army intrudes into Indian territory. "The Myanmar Army crossed into the Indian border and set up camps at Haolenphai in Manipur on August 22," CNN-IBN reported.

Mushahid Hussain Forgots Surah e Falaq
ISLAMABAD: General Secretary of Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q) too follows Rehman Malik’s footsteps.
During dinner to outgoing President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari by Khursheed Shah, PML Q’s general secretary, Mushahid Hussain Sayed forgot Quran recitation.
During the dinner to the President, Mushahid Hussain was to recite Surah e Falaq which he forgot. Straight away he went back to his seat without looking at anyone.
People present in the audience started compare his recitation with that of former interior minister Senator Rehman Malik.

London: 130 cars crash.. number of people hurts
London: 130 cars crash.. number of people hurts. Ambulance crews said 27 casualties needed hospital treatment and they dealt with 200 people at the scene.

Sunday, 1 September 2013
US drone kills four ‘foreign militants’ in North Waziristan
PESHAWAR/MIRANSHAH: A US drone targeted a vehicle in North Waziristan tribal agency on Saturday, killing four suspected militants said to be of Turkmen origin.
According to local security officials and intelligence sources, the drone fired two missiles around 12:30 pm at a vehicle near a seminary in Hesokhel Musaki village in Mirali, around 40 kilometres east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan which is said to be a stronghold of Taliban and al Qaeda-linked militants.
Multiple sources said four suspected were killed in the missile strike which destroyed the vehicle and severely damaged the walls of the seminary.
Intelligence officials said the four men were identified to be militants from Turkmenistan.
They said the funerals of the four were later offered in Mir Ali Tehsil and their bodies buried at the local graveyard.
Local militant sources said the four foreigners, said to be members of the Islamic Movement Turkmenistan (IMT), were affiliated to the Hafiz Gul Bahadur faction of Taliban militants.
Bahadur is one of the most powerful militant leaders in the North Waziristan border region, and is known to have links with foreign militant groups.
He runs a coalition of various outfits in the tribal agency and is has close relations with the Haqqani group since the Soviet invasion. Reports suggest he is presently responsible for providing logistic support and other facilities to the Haqqani group.
Meanwhile, Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned the strikes, calling them ''unilateral'' and a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity. ''Pakistan has repeatedly emphasized the importance of bringing an immediate end to drone strikes,'' it said, describing the policy as counter-productive and responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians.
''Such strikes also set dangerous precedents in the inter-state relations,'' it added.
US drone attacks are deeply unpopular in Pakistan, but Washington views them as a vital tool in their fight against Taliban and al Qaeda militants in Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan.
Cross-examination in Mumbai case: Pakistani team to visit India next week
ISLAMABAD: An eight-member panel of Pakistani prosecution and defence lawyers will visit India next week to cross-examine four Indian witnesses in the Mumbai attack case, a Federal Investigation Agency prosecutor informed an anti-terrorism court here on Saturday.
FIA’s special prosecutor Mohammad Azhar Chaudhry told journalists after the court proceedings that the Indian government had issued schedule for recording statements of and cross-examining witnesses — R.V. Sawant Waghule, the person who recorded the confessional statement of Ajmal Kasab; Chief Investigation Officer Ramesh Mahale; and Ganesh Dhunraj and Chintaman Mohite, the doctors who carried out the post-mortem of the terrorists killed during the attack.
The Indian authorities had proposed to the Pakistani panel to reach Mumbai by Sept 5-6. However, because of non-availability of flights on these dates it has been decided that they would leave Pakistan for India on Sept 7.
The schedule was issued by the Indian ministry of external affairs on Aug 23, and the same was forwarded to Pakistan’s interior ministry through diplomatic channels.
Earlier in January, the Indian authorities had asked the Pakistani panel to visit Mumbai for cross-examining the witnesses and the Mumbai High Court (MHC) had appointed Chief Metropolitan Magistrate A.A. Khan presiding officer of the commission. However, the visit could not take place because of some legal complications and in the meantime Mr Khan retired.
The MHC has now appointed P.Y. Ladekar to head the commission.
The Pakistani panel will be comprised of lead defence counsel Khawaja Haris Ahmed, Riaz Akram Cheema, Khizer Hayat, Raja Ehsanullah Satti, FIA special prosecutor Chaudhry Mohammad Azhar, Syed Husnain Abuzar Pirzada, FIA deputy director Faqir Mohammad and court official Abdul Hameed.
Senior defence counsel Malik Rafique has refused to join the Mumbai commission’s proceedings, citing security concerns.
Talking to Dawn, Mr Rafique said that under ‘present circumstances’ a visit by Pakistani counsel to India would not be safe.
He said that under the Criminal Procedure Code the Indian witnesses should have appeared before a Pakistani court, but they had refused to visit Pakistan.
In March last year, the Pakistani panel had joined the Mumbai commission’s proceedings but later challenged the same in an anti-terrorism court of Rawalpindi, saying they were not given the right to cross-examine the witnesses.
In July 2012, the ATC declared the entire exercise of the Mumbai commission illegal after which both Pakistan and India set aside their earlier agreement of November 2010 and decided to allow defence counsel to cross-examine the four Indian witnesses.
Riaz Cheema, one of the defence counsel, told Dawn that after cross-examining the Indian witnesses their statements could be used for or against seven Pakistani suspects who had allegedly facilitated the Mumbai attack.
He said the Mumbai commission would commence its proceedings on Sept 9. The recording of statements and cross-examining of the Indian witnesses would take about four days after which the Pakistani panel would return home by Sept 14.
Don’t Believe In Jannah After Death: Shaista Lodhi
Months back Geo TV Morning Show host Shaista Lodhi has again attracted the social website pages as she presented a very wrong thought in her show stating that as being a human being we should strive more for making our world a pleasure, a divine Jannah for us instead of putting efforts for the Hereafter heaven. Her controversial words have created hype in the social media networks once again where she is being highly criticized by people for presenting such ridiculous notion.
In the beginning of the show, the doctor cum host said that people may contradict with her idea but it was she believes in. She said that we should make this world, our living place heaven for us and not believe in earning heaven in life hereafter solely. The video, cutting of the program which carries her wordings is of 26 seconds and can be seen on the websites easily.
People have slammed the host calling her to be a hypocrite, illiterate. Earlier too, she had faced oppositions from people after the news items began to appear of her divorce because she did not want to give up her career and dedicate herself as a housewife. There had also been rumors of the Shaista, sister of the host, versatile Sahir Lodhi to enter into marriage knots with Shakeel Ur Rehman, the Geo TV owner, where she presently works.
Mahira And Ranveer To Work In Upcoming Yash Raj Production?
With the stay of the VJ and actress Mahira Khan in India has erupted news items that say that the Pakistani beauty may appear with the emerging talented Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh. Mahira had been in India for last couple of weeks for some purpose and it is said that the two are likely to do a movie together.
Rumor erupted after it was heard that Ashar, Fawad Khan, the heart throb of Pakistani drama industry would cast against the young Bollywood actress, Alia Bhatt- the disco girl and the daughter of the famous film producer Mahesh Bhatt. Nothing as such has appeared bearing the statements of the Humsafar stars but time will reveal if they are merely rumors or unrevealed agreements.
It is said that lately Mahira has been offered the Yash Raj Film that casts Ranveer Singh as the co-star. Let’s see what comes out to be!
Mahira Khan, the VJ come actress made her first appearance as VJ in her 16. Later she was first seen on the screen in the ARY Digital Drama Neeyat. In the year 2011 she did Shoaib Mansoor’s mega hit movie Bol where her work received appreciation from the critics and the fans. Fawad Afzal Khan and Mahira emerged as the beautiful talented actor and actress after the Humsafar serial that gained immense viewer ship locally and internationally.
Ranveer Singh, 28 aged actor started off his career in Bollywood wit the Yashraj film Band Baja Baraat and has done Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl and recently completed doing movie Lootera. Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh couple has hit the box office.
JJ Criticised For Picture With Roohi Bano
The famous singer cum religious scholar and a religious show host Junaid Jamshed has met criticisms from large group of people as one the pictures from a show got widely posted on the social network websites. In the picture, Suraj Baba the screenwriter is found on the right side of his shoulder while the legendary Pakistani film actress, Roohi Bano stands on the left side. Junaid is found to put arms over the shoulders of the guests.
Fans of JJ have criticized him stating it to be against ethics. People have stated that a religious scholar like him should not photograph a picture with a woman so close to him, since touching of Na-mehrams is forbidden in Islam. People have been of opinion that if it had been the Geo TV host Amir Liaquat then this news item must have been circulated widely with heavy criticisms on him, his piousness and character but since it is JJ so no strict words have been used against him.
Amir Liaquat Geo TV host Islamic show host and a man rich of Islamic knowledge is often the victim of oppositions by the masses over his wrong use of words or sometimes his fierce attitude. His edited pictures are post on Facebook and related videos.
Roohi Bano was invited on the ARY Channel at the show Shan-e-Ramazan last month (in Ramadan 2013) along with the screen writer Suraj Baba to share the disheartening story and miserable state of the acknowledged actress over the past years and the present. Suraj Baba on the show shared his views, an act of sympathy over the misery-driven woman.
Cricketer Abdul Razzaq-Tamanna Bhatia Relationship Sparks
Dubai: Pakistani all-rounder Abdul Razzaq has been captured in a Dubai jeweler shop with the Indian actress Tamanna Bhatia where he gives pos0e facing the camera while the later has bowed down her face with shyness. The picture has created hype on the social websites. It is being said that the picture was taken on the inauguration of the shop while few sources state it to be a story of the arrival of new ‘Indian bhabhi’ in Pakistan.
It is pertinent here to mention that the 33 year aged right armed Abdul Razzaq married with Ayesha. They are enjoying married life with children. No news reports of the tensions between the couple have been heard up till now but the hype on social websites can be a setback to their marital life. Time will reveal the real truths!
Tamanna is famous as “Queen of Kollywood” in India. Her Recent Movie “Himmatwala” with Ajay Devgan is termed her comeback to Bollywood.
Abdul Razzaq, the former player holds good ODI record. He got into cricket at the age of 17 and made his successful beginning in the field with the speculator performance against Zimbabwe in 1996, thus emerging in the international cricket for the first time.
Over 50 tests and 265 ODIs have been played by him. He had been a good fast-bowler but his talent saw a decline after the 2003 World Cup.
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