Pakistan star and heartthrob of millions of cricket fans Shahid Afridi has demanded from the producers of “Main Hoon Shahid Afridi” film to cut the obscene scenes from the film as he fear that this could damage his image. The film produced by Humayun Saeed & Shahzad Nasib was to be released on Eid but now film is releasing on 23rd August (Friday).
Boom Boom Afridi was enraged at a scene where the hero hugs a girl and kisses in her the night club. This scene is shown on trailers of the film on many TV channels and has also become viral on social media.
Shahid Afridi said that I gave permission to the producers of the film to use my name with an aim that children will get some healthy entertainment and their mind will be diverted towards cricket and it should not have any obscene scenes.
“A lot of kids and families would go to watch the movie because of me and if they see things like that they will feel bad, so I hope they (producers) remove those scenes and run the film,” said the 33-year-old Afridi.
The film cost around $1 million and revolves around a young boy who wants to become Shahid Afridi but faces many problems. Syed Ali Raza (Usama) has directed the film. The cast of the film is Javed Sheikh, Nadeem Baig, Shafqat Cheema, Humayun Saeed, Mahnoor Baloch, Noman Habib (who wants to become Shahid Afridi).